Thursday, 28 July 2016


Recently I've been asked by several people about weight conversions for cooking. If I'm honest I never remember and have to check on-line. So I decided to design a simple reference chart to print out and stick to the fridge door. I hope you also find it useful.

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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Vidda Kitchen - Gluten Free Vegan Banana & Pecan Bread

One of the most difficult challenges of cleaning up our diet was removing gluten and dessert/sweet foods. To be honest, the sweet stuff I always could take or leave, I prefer savoury, but for my partner, Pilar the desserts proved a real challenge.

Thankfully as our nutrition improved and health and vitality returned the 'sweet tooth' cravings also vacated our dietary routine. Today we look at natural and unprocessed sugars and delicious recipes full of nutrition.

This recipe covers many nutritional based for us. Not only is it gluten free it contains great fibre, oils, vitamins, and minerals. The is so easy to make and I promise you'll love it. My favourite use is to have it warm out of the oven, smeared with tahini and organic honey, place in a cereal bowl and add a large spoonful of non-dairy yogurt and a few berries, blueberries and raspberries preferably.

Be inventive and flexible with this recipe. Walnuts also are really good instead of pecans. When in season try hazelnuts or chestnuts. You don't need to use nuts, obviously avoid if you have allergies. Replace the nuts with berries or small chunks of mango, kiwi or apple, get creative.

We always look for the reduced priced bananas when we are out shopping. It's funny to us because most people reject any bananas that have brown spots, ha, ha more for us and they are always discounted.

Once you've tried this delicious bread you'll be hooked.

Here's the recipe:

5 very ripe bananas
1.5 cups quinoa flour
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
1 cup crushed pecans
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp baking powder

Pre-heat your oven to 350F.
Wipe you baking tin with a smear of oil.
Throw together your peeled banana, flour, and oil. You can use a food processor for mixing but I use my Magimix smoothie blender.
Then mix in the spices and nuts or berries.
Finally, mix in the baking powder.
Pour the gooey mix into your baking tin, place a few whole nuts or banana slices on the top and cook for 40 minutes.

Disclaimer: All recipes are tried and tested and addictive. Five days of binge eating any of our recipes will result in a sloppy smile and possible weight gain. As far as we are aware no deaths have been recorded from eating banana bread, this is not a challenge, be careful, please.

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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The delicious alchemy of Sun Flower Microgreen Sprouting

I want to tell you about my favourite micro green snack. The magnificent, nutritious and delicious Sunflower Sprouts.

This really is a superfood and well deserves such platitudes. Sunflower greens are an excellent source of protein and supply all the amino acids needed to repair and grow muscles and tendons. An amazing post workout snack for all you keep-fit enthusiasts.

They have a very fresh, nutty and crunchy taste and texture, great in sandwiches, salads, and toppings for soups and pasta. I also put them in my smoothies if I have an excess just to add an extra nutrient punch, although this is rare because I really enjoy biting into the fresh crunchiness, my mouth is watering as I write this.

As well being packed with protein they're also a great source of complex B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C & E, Selenium, Zinc and the most important Chlorophyll.

Micro Green Sprouted Salad

I use two methods for growing my sunflower sprouts, either in my sprouter (see below) or in a growing tray planted in 2cm of soil.

I usually go with the sprouter method as we are travelling a lot of the year and to carry a bag of soil around is not convenient. 

Simply take one handful of organic sunflower seeds, soak for 8hrs in filtered water until you can see the seeds splitting and the first signs of the white shoots appear on and then evenly place in sprouting tray, add more water and place the lid on the sprouter. You'll need to keep an eye on them so that they don't dry out, I usually add additional water gently every two days, also keep out of direct sunlight as the tender new shoots can easily scorch. 

Once started you'll notice growth every day and they will soon be reaching for the light. As the first leaves develop they will force the seed husk off the plant and after 4-5 days you'll be able to start teasing off the husks freeing the leaves which will then start to fatten.

Your crop of sunflower greens will be ready in approx 10 days. When the stems are strong and the first leaves are smooth and plump gather the plants and wash well with filtered water through a sieve. If you want to trim off the roots you can, personally I don't, I eat the whole thing, no waste. They will store in the fridge for a couple of days if needed, in a glass jar or container, that don't last that long usually in our home. 

The other method of growing your greens is more or less the same. Soak seeds as described previously and the place individual seeds on a 2cm deep bed of damp soil in a tray. Then cover with a thin layer of sprinkled soil and place in a dark cupboard for a couple of days. When the seeds started rooting and sprouting green shoots bring out into the light and gently water when needed. When ready to harvest take sharp scissors and cut the stalks just above the soil, then wash and consume. With this method you have the advantage of being able to get even more nutrients from the soil, you can even add minerals to the soil mix that will give extra goodies to your plants.

If you really want to get serious about your sunflower harvest, stagger planting your seeds two days apart. Get several trays going and then plant new seeds when the first tray is harvested, that way you have a constant supply of fresh greens. A greenhouse or growing room is ideal for this method and you'll be surprised how much you can produce with 7-10 trays. I promise sunflower sprouts are the most delicious greens you'll ever taste. They are now become very fashionable in a lot of the top restaurants also but you'll be paying a premium for the pleasure.

If you want to give this a go you can get sprouting seeds from my favorite supplier

or from our shop where we also have a selection of sprouters

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Monday, 25 July 2016

‘The way to your dog’s healthy heart is through its stomach’

Extract from SOON to be Released: 
What's in your Dog’s Dinner?
How to Save your Dog from dietary boredom and disease
by J. Hodges

We think of our beloved dogs as friends, sidekicks, guardians and often the most important relationship we have. They give, give and give and we try to keep them happy and healthy.

As a dog owner all my life and now working at least half of my year as a professional dog sitter for dozens of dogs of all shapes and sizes, I’ve come to the obvious conclusion that like ourselves we’ve all been fed a lie about the pet food industry. The more I’ve researched its practices and oversights the more outraged I’ve become. This has led me to write this book to try to help and advise all dog owners and to ease the dietary suffering of so many beloved pets.

Many dog owners struggle with the cost of keeping their pooches well fed and the nightmare of the almost inevitable vet bills, I know I’ve been there. We often spend more on our dog’s wellbeing than we do on ourselves. The stores and retail outlets offer a myriad of dog food choices. We’re bombarded by cute marketing and colourful packaging, all claiming to be the best and the healthiest option for our pets. This usually comes with a high price ticket though and can’t always be trusted.

Thankfully with the rise of the internet pet owners have a platform and community to share experiences and ideas with each other. The wealth of knowledge about nutrition is trickling down and benefiting no only ourselves but the animals we share our lives with. We all want to be healthy and so do our dogs. They rely on us to nourish them with not only food but also love and compassion. Providing a healthy diet is the best thing we can do for ourselves and our dogs. 

Not all food is made equal and just because it tastes good it doesn’t mean it’s actually doing us good. Some ‘foods’ can affect our biology fast and have severe and noticeable effects. But in most cases, the damage is cumulative and goes by unnoticed for many years. Only knowledge can protect us from these hidden dangers. Don’t rely on the food companies, your peers or your God to protect or to have your best interests at heart. I wish it was that simple, it should be but sadly commerce is more about extracting your money than supplying you and your pets with safe products.

As the epidemic of obesity and disease is having a vice-like grip on the humans in our society, so the same appears to be happening to our doggie companions. The simple solution to these problems is DIET.

As everyone knows prevention is a way better choice than cure. When it comes to health it is simple, you are what you eat. If we spend a lifetime consuming low nutritional, artificial, processed food (I use the term food with a large pinch of sarcasm) our complex bodies start to fail and eventually die. 

With this poor choice of diet, we and our dogs are constantly hungry. Why is this? 

When we have a nutritional imbalance and our body lacks the fuel it needs to function optimally, our brain sends a message for a fuel top-up in the form of food. This process has evolved over eons of time as a very efficient solution to the problem of staying alive. We can now fill our stomach with stuff that’s cheap and looks and smells like nutritious food. The sad truth is the majority of commercially provided food available is far from nutritious and I certainly don’t want my dog to eat it. The result is we’re constantly looking for the next meal or snack. 

The obese die from diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancers ironically brought on by malnutrition which in turn compromises the immune system. Our dogs are now dying from the same epidemic but they have it even worse. They can’t make their own nutritional decisions; that responsibility is in our hands. It’s a crazy world! 

Of course, nobody wants this to happen to ourselves or our dogs. On a positive note, there does seem to be a shift in attitudes concerning our nutritional needs. As health care bills skyrocket to the point of crushing economies even the governments are finally promoting healthier lifestyle choices.

This fills me with optimism but has anyone stopped and realised that our poor dogs are having the same health problems? Most dog owners don’t really give too much thought about what goes into the dog bowl in the morning. They just accept that the branded commercial food products are nourishing and safe for their dogs. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Apart from a few table scraps most dogs suffer from a very poor selection of food and are starved of variety and nutrients. How many of you have had dogs with common complaints such as skin problems, diarrhea, arthritis, bad teeth and gum disease and even depression? I could go on but I think most dog owners are familiar with these ailments. All these common ailments can be either prevented or reversed with a change to a whole food nutritious diet.

When our dogs become ill the first thing we do is either go to the pet store to purchase expensive over the counter remedies which are often toxic or we run to our local vet. 

Most of these problems can be avoided by paying attention to your dog’s nutritional needs. This advice is also very relevant to you the reader for your own health.

Most processed dog food is full of chemicals, preservatives, E numbers, fillers and meat by-products and God knows what else. The regulation for pet food is alarmingly very poor and in some cases none existent. Have you ever met a dog food taster? Or read a survey of dogs discussing the food industry? Is it any wonder our babies are becoming sick? They are getting away with murder.

The easy solution to this is to feed your dog healthy food, the same as you should be feeding yourself. If it’s good enough for me, it’s good enough for my dog. Although it’s tougher for me now since I changed to become a vegetarian. 

You’ve all noticed that the first thing your dog does when you take him for a walk is looking for some fresh grass to eat. Why? Well, grass is an amazing source of vitamins and minerals. It’s also very alkalizing and when your dog has an upset stomach a portion of fresh living grass is his medicine. Not only does it help the dog purge the acid from his gut it also help alkalize the stomach. I highly recommend everybody should consume wheatgrass, either fresh or powdered and dogs love it. Just mix a teaspoonful of powder into his food. Check it out on Google; you’ll be amazed at its benefits.

Dogs also love fruit and vegetables. Our dogs love carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, apples (always cored and without the seeds), bananas, melons. They love blackberries and they love picking their own when shown how to. In fact, our dogs will have a go at just about anything.

As part of my personal & preventative health insurance for the last five years, I start every day with a vegetable and fruit smoothie. It gives my body all the complex nutrients it needs for the day. My health has never been better and at 47 years old my health is improving daily. I haven’t had any type of sickness in half a decade. My weight is kept in check, my skin glows and I have loads of energy. Our dogs love this because we have more energy for walkies and play.

My dogs deserve the same. This is when I realised that maybe our dogs would appreciate and thrive on a simple smoothie protocol. Guess what, they do!! If you have smoothies in the morning share some with your pooch. Of course, check out the section on “Food to avoid” first, you don’t want to be giving him something that will cause problems.

Safe vegetables your dog will love

Brussels Sprouts
Green Beans
Romaine Lettuce
Sweet Potato

Safe fruits your dog will love

Cantaloupe Melon (remove seeds)
Water Melon (remove seeds)
Apples (remove core and seeds)
Pears (remove seeds)

For easy treats try raw fruit and vegetables such as carrot pieces or celery pieces dipped in unsalted peanut butter, banana chunks, frozen or fresh blackberries. Your dog might be cautious at first basically because he doesn’t recognise these new foods. I found a sure way to get your dog to try new varieties of fruit and veg is to sit on the floor with him and share the treat, one for me one for the dog, works every time.

Finally, remember if you’re cooking yourself any vegetables always prepare a little extra for your dog. My dog always has Sunday dinner with us; he just loves a large bowl of steamed sweet potatoes, a few brussel sprouts, some cabbage or kale and a few carrots and peas. To finish off I put on a good ladle of gravy made from the vegetable water. Our dog licks his bowl clean every time.

Important: The final release of this book will also include a large selection of healthy, home made recipes and health tips for your pooch. 
Please subscribe to our FaceBook page for updates and a Limited Time offer of a FREE review copy of this book. 

Also Available

Friday, 22 July 2016

Use the Force start Sprouting Microgreens

Extract from the imminent release 'How to Save Yourself' by J. Hodges

During all my years of research into health and nutrition, studying the beneficial and healing benefits of a plant-based diet. I've had to confront the startling reality that the diet I had previously known was saturated in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and herbicides, artificial sugars, and salts and all this was sold to me, and you by a corrupt, deceptive self-serving monster of an industry. The food industry literally plays God with our health because in 'them we trust'. Thankfully it seems the tide is turning and populations are waking up to the dangers served up on their plates.

Your health starts with what you put into your body via the whole in your face, it's that simple. Saying that, the human body is extremely efficient in the short term dealing with toxins and substances it doesn't recognise. One of our bodies favorite responses is to wrap these toxic molecules in fat cells and store them away out of harms way. You might recognise this process when you look into the mirror and wonder why the six pack you imagined to be hiding underneath your clothes, like rippled, firm, wet sand on a shoreline of a tropical ocean actually looks more like the bloated torso of that special uncle that only turns up at family weddings and is always found passed out in the car park.

You can cheat and deceive yourself for decades but eventually, the overloading of your aging immune system will bite you in the ass. Youth is the great deceiver, charming you with flattery and a feeling of immortality. When things get a little wild the hand of youth picks you up from your faltered place, dusts you off and sends you on your way, the bullets of life deflected by its very presence.

BUT.........all those takeaway meals, booze soaked holidays and weekends and a fridge stocked full of beautifully packaged delights awaiting the microwave and a TV soap will ALWAYS get you, eventually.

Trust me I know!!!

I know for sure that I'm not divulging a great mystical secret from the fountain of youth. Everybody knows that eating a low nutrient, processed food is not good. But is has surprised me how few people with serious health problem realise that poor diet is the main cause of the majority of disease. Many will say "Oh but it's also genetic and my family has a history of this disease" [fill in the blank]. This does play a part but those genes have to be in an environment to express themselves into the manifestation of that disease. It's like saying, "I have a toaster so therefore it's inevitable that I will die from electrocution". Sure create the environment, ie; take a shower with the plugged-in toaster and yes you will be lite up like a cheap Christmas tree all because you owned a toaster. Create a dangerous environment and bad things happen.

The same goes for our health and bodies. You create a toxic sewer for your cells and they will turn into a hungry crap eating monsters that will consume you. Your DNA needs a wide spectrum of organic nutrients every day to keep the molecular integrity and to function safely and effectively within your body. We are not taught this at all. It should be part of the educational curriculum from the first days of schooling. But then we'd have a population of informed people who weren't addicted consumers to the food and pharmaceutical industries, draining societies resources and empowering the ruling elite, perish the thought!!!!

Ok, so that's enough of my sarcastic rantings. How do you start to change a lifetime of bad dietary habits and clean up and repair your failing body?

Nothing makes more sense to me than adding sprouted micro greens to your diet. Microgreens are the sprouted seeds of common vegetables and legumes, such as broccoli, kale, lentils and mung beans. All the live enzymes and nutrients needed to make a fully mature plant is all encapsulated in a tiny seed. All you need to start the growth process is the add the miracle medium H2O and a little warmth and of the go, LIFE. Every few days from out of my simple sprouter (see below) I can eat a garden full of broccoli plants, sunflower greens, and succulent mung beans by the handful, all vibrant and alive, bursting with chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals. We add them to just about every meal. Fantastic thrown into a hot soup sprinkled on pasta and rice dishes and heaven in any type of sandwich. I never cook with them because the heat quickly destroys the nutrients. 

Sprouting microgreens is an amazing and simple way to get maximum nutrition, very cheaply and very easy to do. Your body will thank you as you replace and provide the molecules your body is literally dying for. If you are suffering from the common maladies of our society, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease etc, etc it's time to address the diet you're feeding your immune system. Why do you need to suffer when the remedies can be on your plate. 

This way of treating disease is about fixing the whole failing system and not just the symptoms that are destroying your health that is prescribed with toxic, expensive pharmaceuticals with horrible side-effect and an alarming fatality statistic Pharmaceutical Drug Deaths

I hear all the time "it's too expensive to eat healthily". This is insanity!!! The better nutrients you absorb through your diet the less you feel hungry, the less food you need to buy. Plus it's really easy to grow your own food which is guaranteeing your own healthcare. 

If you're constantly snacking or thinking of your next feeding time then your body is crying out for nutrition. Once satisfied the body turns that nutrition into high quality, slow release energy that lets you be a creative, happy and healthy human being and not 24/7 hungry!!! 

Our overweight society is actually dying of malnutrition. You can eat ten pizzas a day washed down with donuts and cola but all your getting is empty, useless calories, with lots of toxins thrown in for good measure and a huge credit card debt. These toxins are conveniently and most often addictive. How lucky for the junk/processed food industry. A customer base addicted to their products and a pharmaceutical industry that supplies the food toxins and then, in turn, gets the follow-on sales of over the counter prescription medicines US Drug sales Aug 2015 

Your body wants to be healthy and it can repair and rejuvenate. I've witnessed the amazing transformation in chronic health conditions, even in people in their 80's just by a change to a predominately plant based diet.

Kids love the whole process of germinating the seeds, they have a garden to tend on the windowsill. It's a great way to get them to eat healthier because they can be involved in the process and it fits into today 'quick, on demand' zeitgeist. 

If anyone wants to know more please feel free to drop me an email or leave a comment below. I've also attached the banner below for the company I use for my supplier of Heirlooms, non-GMO sprouting seeds.

For further reading go visit and subscribe to our website

Extract from the imminent release 'How to Save Yourself' by J. Hodges
(subscribe and follow for release dates and FREE review copies available for a limited time)
Or join us on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram

Use the Force start Sprouting Microgreens

Extract from the imminent release 'How to Save Yourself' by J. Hodges

During all my years of research into health and nutrition, studying the beneficial and healing benefits of a plant-based diet. I've had to confront the startling reality that the diet I had previously known was saturated in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and herbicides, artificial sugars, and salts and all this was sold to me, and you by a corrupt, deceptive self-serving monster of an industry. The food industry literally plays God with our health because in 'them we trust'. Thankfully it seems the tide is turning and populations are waking up to the dangers served up on their plates.

Your health starts with what you put into your body via the whole in your face, it's that simple. Saying that, the human body is extremely efficient at short term dealing with toxins and substances it doesn't recognise. One of our bodies favorite responses is to wrap these toxic molecules in fat cells and store them away out of harms way. You might recognise this process when you look into the mirror and wonder why the six pack you imagined to be hiding underneath your clothes, like rippled, firm, wet sand on a shoreline of a tropical ocean looks more like the bloated torso of that special uncle that only turns up at family weddings and is always found passed out in the car park.

You can cheat and deceive yourself for decades but eventually, the overloading of your aging immune system will bite you in the ass. Youth is the great deceiver, charming you with flattery and a feeling of immortality. When things get a little wild the hand of youth picks you up from your faltered place, dusts you off and sends you on your way, the bullets of life deflected by its very presence.

BUT.........all those takeaway meals, booze soaked holidays and weekends and a fridge stocked full of beautifully packaged delights awaiting the microwave and a TV soap will ALWAYS get you, eventually.

Trust me I know!!!

I know for sure that I'm not divulging a great mystical secret from the fountain of youth. Everybody knows that eating a low nutrient, processed food is not good. But is has surprised me how few people with serious health problem realise that poor diet is the main cause of the majority of disease. Many will say "Oh but it's also genetic and my family has a history of  this disease" [fill in the blank]. This does play a part but those genes have to be in an environment to express themselves into the manifestation of that disease. It's like saying, "I have a toaster so therefore it's inevitable that I will die from electrocution". Sure create the environment, ie; take a shower with the plugged-in toaster and yes you will be lite up like a cheap Christmas tree all because you owned a toaster. Create a dangerous environment and bad things happen.

The same goes for our health and bodies. You create a toxic sewer for your cells and they will turn into a hungry crap eating monster that will consume you. Your DNA needs a wide spectrum of organic nutrients every day to keep the molecular integrity and to function safely and effectively within your body. We are not taught this at all. It should be part of the educational curriculum from the first days of schooling. But then we'd have a population of informed people who weren't addicted consumers to the food and pharmaceutical industries, draining societies resources and empowering the ruling elite, perish the thought!!!!

Ok, so that's enough of my sarcastic rantings. How do you start to change a lifetime of bad dietary habits and clean up and repair your failing body?

Nothing makes more sense to me than adding sprouted micro greens to your diet. Microgreens are the sprouted seeds of common vegetables and legumes, such as broccoli, kale, lentils and mung beans. All the live enzymes and nutrients needed to make a fully mature plant is all encapsulated in a tiny seed. All you need to start the growth process is the add the miracle medium H2O and a little warm and of the go, LIFE. Every few days from out of my simple sprouter (see below) and can eat a garden full of broccoli plants, sunflower greens, and succulent mung beans by the handful, all vibrant and alive, bursting with chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals. We add them to just about every meal. Fantastic thrown into a hot soup sprinkled on pasta and rice dishes and heaven in any type of sandwich. I never cook with them because the heat quickly destroys the nutrients. 

Sprouting microgreens is an amazing and simple way to get maximum nutrition, very cheaply and very easy to do. Your body will thank you as you replace and provide the molecules your body is literally dying for. If you are suffering from the common maladies of our society, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease etc, etc it's time to address the diet your feeding your immune system. Why do you need to suffer when the remedies can be on your plate. 

This way of treating disease is about fixing the whole failing system and not just the symptoms that are destroying your health that is prescribed with toxic, expensive pharmaceuticals with horrible side-effect and an alarming fatality statistic Pharmaceutical Drug Deaths

I hear all the time "it's too expensive to eat healthily". This is insanity!!! The better nutrients you absorb in your meals the less you feel hungry, the less food you need to buy. Plus it's really easy to grow your own food/cure/health. 

If you're constantly snacking or thinking of your next feeding time then your body is crying out for nutrition. Once satisfied the body turns that nutrition into high quality, slow release energy that lets you be a creative, happy and healthy human being and not 24/7 hungry!!! 

Our overweight society is actually dying of malnutrition. You can eat ten pizzas a day washed down with donuts and cola but all your getting is empty, useless calories, with lots of toxins thrown in for good measure and a huge credit card debt. These toxins are conveniently and most often addictive. How lucky for the junk/processed food industry. A customer base addicted to their products and a pharmaceutical industry that supplies the food toxins and then, in turn, gets the follow-on sales of over the counter prescription medicines US Drug sales Aug 2015 

Your body wants to be healthy and it can repair and rejuvenate. I've witnessed amazing transformation in chronic health conditions, even in people in their 80's just by a change to a predominately plant based diet.

Kids love the whole process of germinating the seeds, they have a garden to tend on the windowsill. It's a great way to get them to eat healthier because they can be involved in the process and it fits into today 'quick, on demand' zeitgeist. 

If anyone wants to know more please feel free to drop me an email or leave a comment below. I've also attached the banner below for the company I use for my supplier of Heirlooms, non-GMO sprouting seeds.

For further reading go visit and subscribe to our website

Extract from the imminent release 'How to Save Yourself' by J. Hodges
(subscribe and follow for release dates and FREE review copies available for a limited time)
Or join us on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram

Thursday, 21 July 2016