Tuesday 1 March 2016

FREE books from VIDDA PUBLISHING as a way of saying Thank You

I can't believe it's ten months since we launched our first book SIRT FOOD from

Pilar and I and the rest of the team have worked really hard, loooong hours and very little time off. Even through Christmas and New Year's and with a house full of family and friends the work continued late into the night.

Since early summer 2015 I've barely had a couple of days out with my cameras, the seasons and the wildlife has passed me by. I'm not really complaining, I'm very proud of the business we're building and the friendship and support from the people closest to us. The new friends we've made on the social media have given us a huge amount of pleasure and it's fantastic to find like minded people (some of my older friends might just worry about this, LOL). I hope our efforts have entertained and maybe helped in a small way.

As a way of saying thank you we've chosen four books from our catalogue that we're making permanently free. If the titles below are of no interest to you but you'd still like a free book go and chose the title you'd like from our website and contact us and we'd be happy to oblige. Any reviews for these books would also be really helpful for our business and we'd really appreciate it.

We'd also love to hear and suggestions (keep it clean, you know who I'm talking to!) as to what subjects you'd like to see, articles and books produced. We're also looking towards building a small but trusted review team that would receive free copies of all our new books for the purposes of reviewing and critique before release. We really are working hard to put together the best and currently accurate information possible. This is a learning process for us, most of all. If you'd like to help us in our work and become part of our team, message us on our facebook page.

 Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thanks again. 
John & Pilar



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